The HINGESTIX®️ Practice Drumstick is a learning tool that helps drummers understand and feel a proper grip, finger technique, and rebound, so drummers can play more easily with increased speed and less fatigue.
HINGESTIX simulate a loose grip, so drummers can feel gravity doing the work (instead of muscle), and then transfer that feeling when using their regular drumsticks.
The patented contoured swivel pads rotate to allow drummers the feeling of an unencumbered, free-floating rebound.
Winner at NAMM Best in Show, and recommended by the world’s top players and educators.
Perfect for beginners, intermediate, and advanced drummers.
Recommended by the world’s top drummers and drum educators.
Available in 5A, 5B, and Thumbs Up (French Grip) models.
- Bounce and Rebound
- Moeller Technique
- Single Strokes
- Finger Technique
- Proper Grip and Fulcrum
- Double and Buzz Strokes
- Hand and Wrist Motion
- Speed
- Precision